Helena Regional Airport Authority
Aircraft Services
2850 Mercer Loop
Helena, MT 59602
(406) 442-2821
(406) 449-2340
24/7 365 days per year
who to contact
Jeff Wadekamper
Airport Director
Send an Email

Helena Regional Airport Authority

Aircraft Services
about us
The Helena Regional Airport is owned and operated by the Helena Regional Airport Authority, a political subdivision of the State of Montana. The Authority consists of a seven-member Board that establishes the rules and operating procedures under which the Airport operates. The City of Helena appoints three of the members, the County appoints three, and the other seat is a joint City/County appointment. The Airport Director is responsible for the day-to-day operation and overall management of the Airport. The Helena Regional Airport Authority receives no local tax dollars, but does receive federal and state funds for capital improvement projects as approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Montana Aeronautics Division. The Airport operates much like a typical business in the sense that it funds its own operational and maintenance needs through revenues generated from various resources. The Helena Airport has developed both aeronautical- and non-aeronautical-based revenue through the variety of activities that operate at the Airport today. Many of these activities and organizations contribute a large taxable income base to the City of Helena in addition to providing revenue necessary for the maintenance and operation of the Airport.