Blackfoot River Brewing
Bar, Brewery, Casino
66 South Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59601
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 449-3005
2pm - 8pm, 7 days/wk
Blackfoot River Brewing
Bar, Brewery, Casino
about us
Blackfoot River Brewing was founded in 1998 by three passionate homebrewers and beer aficionados: Brian Smith, Brad Simshaw and Greg Wermers. But the seeds of the brewery were planted a few years earlier.
The year was 1993, an important year for Brian and Brad. That is the year they decided to give up drinking beer. Give up drinking bad beer that is. What followed was a couple of years of brewing like maniacs in Brad's basement. Brian and Brad soon discovered that not only was it possible to make great tasting beer, but it was also great fun. And judging from the many friends who magically appeared on brew night it was easy to see that good beer and good friends were a good combination.
Now in a serious mode of homebrewing, the two decided that they wanted a way to get a good, reasonably priced, supply of malt, hops, yeast and other home brew items. The pair did this by opening Howling Wolf Homebrew Supply in Downtown Helena (over on Placer Street) in 1995. The biggest customers of the supply store were Brian and Brad, whose real motivation at the time was not to make money, but figured as a retailer they could buy malt & hops at wholesale! Soon Greg (another passionate homebrewer and all around fun guy) joined the business.